Who is BRUVVY?

we’re 4 friends from miami who started playing music together as a joke. we thought it would be funny to play one show and disappear. but we were simply TOO GOOD for that plan to work hehe.

How did you come up with the name BRUVVY?

it was an accident i swear. i was obsessed with calling everyone bruvvy - it was my word that month. and it eventually just evolved into the band name.

Bruvvy (bruh-vē) - bro

From British-English term Bruv

late 19th century: representing a colloquial representation of brother

How do you describe the music BRUVVY creates? Who do you create it for?

we write alt-rock anthems for any loud mouthed boy or girl that the world has attempted to dub as too confrontational, emotional, or intense. 

Tell us about the latest song you’ve released/or a recent song that people should check out. What’s the story behind it?

we’re dropping a song on march 8th called “Dredd Hot.” it’s about somebody that i once knew, who was the victim so long that they became the perpetrator. they felt so comfortable, sexy even, within their sickness that they began to use my pity as currency. i wrote this song as i came to terms with the fact that they never really wanted to get better.

Fill in the blank, people should listen to BRUVVY when __________.

the top is down, the vibes are high, and the feminine rage is imminent.

Any advice to other bands who are just starting out?

avoid the temptation of mimicking trends. If people don’t get your art yet - you’re doing something right.

Favorite food to eat on the road?




hot fries & diet coke combo




salt and vinegar chips & chocolate covered raisins

Freestyle, anything else you’d like to share ↓↓↓

to anyone reading this - use ur voice. it’s there & it’s yours & it’s powerful.